Archive for November, 2012

For me is very interesting to understand and deepen this topics, because in the future I could do a correct relationship between this concepts and self-regulated learning.
These articles were interesting, but for me the first is a little bit complicated to understand and this article is very long and some parts are tedious and boring.
In the second article I think is very interesting, and is easier to understand than the first but is too much information for me.

I think in the process of the self-regulated learning is very important to promote an effective task interpretation to use a personal intention to improve your abilities and learn; through our abilities, efforts, emotions, knowledge, luck, help, interests, clarity of instructions, correct teacher influences, interference of others, time to dedicate in these processes, conditions, beliefs etc.

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In the article (Greene, and Azebedo, 2008); they realize a theoretical review about the Winne and Hadwin’s model of SRL. This model is based through four phases which describe the specific cognitive processes about learner’s self-regulation. These phases are: the definition of a task, the setting of goals and plans, the use of tactics to learn, and the metacognitive processes.
In this review was realized through research based in the United States predominantly, but also sought from other countries and with different backgrounds.
They used the EBSCO databases through the University of Maryland’s University Libraries Web site to search the more relevant articles; by the way I have used these databases and are very well for search good articles and information in general. I recommend these databases.
Their main review was completed in November 2005 and this review covered the period from 1980 and after that they realized a supplemental review that was completed in 2006. They presented a final list of articles, book chapters and conference presentations in one table; they included in this table 113 publications.
For me is very important mentioned the main areas about this model like concepts most important in this article about SRL process.
The first one is task conditions, it means to any task related influence that is external to a learner. Exist various task conditions, but They focused in three main concepts about that; context (it refers to the perceptions of the students in the level of competition inherent in their environment influence their self-regulatory behavior, teacher influences (it refers to that the teachers must provide coaching and feedback to student groups for that students have interest and persistence in their studies and time (it refers to that the students must generate goals using in the bet form a determined time available to realize these tasks).
The second concept or important area in this process are the cognitive conditions; these are simply information that learners retrieve from long-term memory, the main concepts are: motivation, domain knowledge, knowledge of a task, knowledge of strategies, and beliefs, dispositions, and styles. This part is very important in the students because refer to the motivation their knowledge and beliefs in them, the influence and the types of strategies used by students.
The third concept is monitoring and cognitive evaluations; it means when deliberate attention to some aspect of one’s behaviour, the students and teachers may calibrate and judge their learning on the basis of products. That is divided in: metacognitive monitoring which involves evaluations of the processes of SRL and cognitive monitoring which includes more specific processes.

In the article (Butler and Cartier, 2004) they identify and argued about the success in academic scenarios and how the students must adopt a consistent approach to complete their academic work. Other point important is how to clarify why the task interpretation is so critical to student success and can explain about knowledge, conceptions and interpretations of tasks are so important to performance in the students. In this article also they mentioned and give practical suggestions for teachers regarding; to structure activities, instruction, and evaluation to promote the adoption of task interpretation in the students as an important habit in the pursuit of effective learning.
The main important concepts in this article for me are; in the beginning is important define basic concepts in this topic and this article. The first concept is the term learning environment, which is a concept used to describe the whole set of learning opportunities which are provided within a course: lectures, small group discussions, assignments, tests, and the increasing variety of learning resources becoming available through technology-based learning. The second term is: task, which refers to the internally coherent subactivities required within many learning activities (e.g., reading, learning, problem solving).
Of course the last term o concept, the most important in this article is about task interpretation, because this article is completely focused to this concept. The main idea with this concept is about refers to establishes directions for learning, for example, how students can adoptive the habit of interpreting tasks is foundational to their successful performance. Also they mentioned as task interpretation is a function metacognitive of knowledge in the students about tasks, their conceptions about the nature of academic work, and how students actively and strategically focus attention on task demands. Of course to the abilities of students about their influence direct in learning which depend on a clear vision of what they are trying to learn and achieve.

Write idea notes from the topic.

For me is very important first, the relation between different new concepts such as conditions and different kind of tasks with self-regulated learning, because these terms can be essential to understand the participation in academic work of the students, for that in the future they can complete their activities in different learning environments to develop such as their own task interpretation focused self-regulation. This also can support to teachers that need to find ways to structure activities, instruction, and evaluation that promote to what students will be reflective, active, independent and they can interpret their tasks in the best in learning.
In these articles the relationship most important for me is about tasks, motivation, different conditions and different sources of students and teachers in relation with their own learning environments to obtain a benefit or goal.
So it is important mentioned and to understand in the present and in the future how researchers and teachers can improve and understand the process of learning in according to different models or conditions.


1. Butler, D. L. and Cartier, S. C. (2004). Promoting Effective Task Interpretation as an Important Work Habit: A Key to Successful Teaching and Learning. Teachers College Record, 106 (9), pp. 1729-1758.
2. Greene, J. & Azevedo, R. (2008). A Theoretical Review of Winne and Hadwin’s Model of Self-Regulated Learning: New Perspectives and Directions. Review of Educational Research. Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 334–372. DOI:10.3102/003465430303953

In the first question; I think in this part of the course was very important the collaborative learning and working. Because the main task was to develop a chapter to one Handbook via Wiki, Prezi and Skype. In this process is very important to use in correct form the technology and to carry on a correct process of collaborative working to finish with success this activity. The things more important that I learned were the use the technologies for that proposal and collaborative working, also I learned too much about the topic of our task, which was “the divergence between theory knowledge and practice in her course ‘Ethical issues in education”.

In the second question; for me sometimes is complicated to work in team and is more complicated that because this activity was on line with other persons in other countries and different background. But for me this project was very complete in all senses.
Prezi, for me is good software to develop and design good presentations on line. This wiki sometimes was a little complicated to design, but is a good tool to work in group.

In the third question; for me is very important in this part the collaboration, because the project is basically about collaborative working to solve and develop the project in the best way.

In the fourth question; the advantages that as team had were definitively the technology, a good team and a good Tutor. The challenges were the time and the different activities that we had in our different programs, for example in meetings, sometimes was complicated to meet us.

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I had problems in the last phase, because I don’t manage my time in the best way. In this phase I will read the articles with time and I will realize all activities with the best available time. Obviously I have other courses and assessments and exams, but I will try and put my best effort in that.

In this part is very important that I focused all my attention and relate it in correct form to the motivational sources for self-regulated learning. I will try to understand the two articles, the first about Model of Self-Regulated Learning: New Perspectives and Directions and the second about Promoting Effective Task Interpretation as an Important Work Habit: A Key to Successful Teaching and Learning in relationship with the lectures, for example with the lecture from Jonna Malmberg, which was a great lecture for me. This lecture provided me a good explication about this topic. I will write notes about the articles and the lectures to understand better the topic.

My goals in this phase will be to understand all concepts in the lectures and the articles and to finish in the best available time and in the good form the activities and assessments in the course of the self-regulate learning in the phases of collaborative and solo. Also I will write the posts (solo phase 2) in my blog between the week 47 and the beginning of the week 48.

This phase for me was very interesting, because I learned and obtained new experience in this research field, the articles were very interesting, but some terms in these articles in general are complicated to understand. Also this phase was complicated, because I consider that me I didn’t manage my time in the best way, because the time was a problem for me, because was too much information and I read and developed my activities with some stress. But in general I consider that this activities and articles give a lot of experience and knowledge and I will obtain better self -regulating in my own learning about these topics and process.

Specifically I put more attention in first three articles (about SRL in general), because is for me very important to understand first the importance, influence and other factors about SRL, and after that to understand the motivation, obviously the motivation and goals maybe can be the factors more important in the SRL.

Videos SRL.

Define three main concepts from the each article.

In the article (Boekaerts and Corno, 2005); for me is very important mention about the Boekaerts’ model of classroom SR, this model mentioned and distinguishes two parallel processes for the purposeful direction of action. The first part is the Top-Down Self-Regulation; the pursuit of this process is of self-chosen learning goals or goals that increase academic resources, it means that the students need motivation such as personal interest, values, expected satisfaction, and rewards. Is very important from top down in self-regulation to adopt learning goals to guide the process.
The second concept in this part is the Bottom-Up Self-Regulation; students can explore the nature of their felt friction. For example, when they feel bored, isolated, coerced, or insecure they may raise the priority of entertainment, belongingness, self-determination, or safety goals, respectively. It means that is very important maintain or restoring positive feelings with the pursuit of growth goals.
Is important mentioned in this article the programs designed to help students regulate their affect, motivation, cognition, and action in the service of goals.
Also is very important mentioned the Instruments that Assess Self-Regulation where the researchers have designed assessment instruments and the pursuit is what self-regulated learners do, think, and feel when they are actively and constructively engaged in learning. These assessments are designed by strategy self-reports to learning diaries.
The main assessments have been developed to enable students in their learning diaries activities for example; self-report questionnaires, observations of overt behaviour, interview evidence, think aloud protocols, traces of mental events and processes, situational manipulations, recording student motivation strategies as they work and keeping diaries

In the article (Pintrich, 2003) is a very important part to understand the term science in this article, because the use of the term science is an important signal of research to the human behaviour, including motivation, can be approached from a scientific perspective. The main idea in this article is the behaviour and motivation in relationship with the motivational science in students according to learning and teaching contexts.
There are seven questions in the article that reflect current research and future directions for a motivational science. Is very important to develop and apply these questions to understand this type of science in students also their behaviour and motivations.
The questions in this article are very interesting and it is very important to answer each one to solve, to understand and improve the learning in students.
The questions are the following: What Do Students Want? , What Motivates Students in Classrooms?, How Do Students Get What They Want?, Do Students Know What They Want or What Motivates Them?, How Does Motivation Lead to Cognition and Cognition to Motivation?, How Does Motivation Change and Develop? and What Is the Role of Context and Culture?. With these questions the motivational science will be able to advance. Also to understand and improve the understanding of student motivation in classrooms and schools and this will facilitate motivation, cognition, and learning, independently the classrooms and schools. The main idea is how attempt to motivate students or how facilitate cognition and learning through instruction in students.

In the article (Zimmermann, 1989) he gives a definition of self-regulated learning in general like the students can be described as self-regulated to the degree that they have metacognition, motivation, and behaviour in their own learning process.
I included the following terms, because this part explain the importance of three elements inside of Zimmermann’s definition about SRL and he describes this concepts deepen. This concepts are: Self-regulated learning strategies, it means to actions and processes directed at acquiring information or skill that involve agency, purpose, and instrumentality perceptions by learners, Self-efficacy refers to perceptions about one’s capabilities to organize and implement actions necessary to attain designated performance of skill for specific tasks. And in last term He talks about of Academic goals such as grades, social esteem, or postgraduation employment opportunities.
Also is very important in this article the purpose for using this strategy (i.e., to improve motivation) and their perceptions of efficacy when using it (e.g., of completing more homework). Also Zimmerman mentioned the importance to a learner, the use of self-regulation strategies. In students these strategy applications provide self-efficacy knowledge.

In the article (Dowson and McInerney, 2003), they identify and describe in a study about psychological parameters of middle-school students social and academic goals also identified: each of these goals in terms of their component behaviours, affects, and cognitions, that students did not hold these goals in isolation, and that students multiple goals interacted in conflicting, converging, and compensatory ways to influence students academic motivation and performance.
They present research attempts to construct an inductive, systematic, and contextual approach to the study of students motivational goals.
The article extends on student’s motivational goals in several ways. First, it inductively identifies a range of social and academic goals important to students and their academic motivation and performance. Second, it describes in some detail the behavioural, affective, and cognitive components of student’s goals. Third, the study affirms that students can, and do, hold multiple, hierarchically arranged, social and academic goals in academic achievement settings.
This article provides to understand of student motivation and suggests that future research and teaching practice should more carefully assess both the complexity and the interactivity of student’s motivational goals.

In the article (Wolters, 2003) he describes Self-regulated learning is often a function of motivation of students, cognitive strategy use, and metacognition. The purpose to emphasize regulation of motivation as another important aspect of self-regulated learning. To achieve this goal, a specific conceptual understanding of regulation of motivation is proposed and used to clarify theoretical distinctions between this process and motivation, metacognition, and volition.
In this article is important mentioned about the concept of regulation of motivation as a component of self-regulated learning, because there are models of self-regulated learning where students manage aspects of the learning process in addition to their actual cognitive processing.
I think the regulation of motivation is a topic very important in this article, also the strategies for the regulation of motivation:
1.- Self-consequating. in which students regulate their motivation is through the use of self-administered or self-provided consequences for their own behavior
2.- Goal-oriented self-talk. Is another regulation of motivation strategy rests on students’ desire to reach various goals associated with completing academic tasks.
3.- Interest Enhancement. Here students may use self-talk to increase their focus on mastery-oriented goals, they may also work to increase aspects of their intrinsic motivation in more concrete ways.
4.- Environmental Structuring. Another type of strategy that students may use to regulate their effort and persistence for academic tasks.
5.- Self-Handicapping. Where students are using an environmental structuring strategy actively work to remove distractions or other obstacles that hamper motivation or impede their progress in completing a task.
6.- Attribution Control. Self-handicapping entails students’ a priori manipulation of the causal attributions they will be able to make for an academic task.
7.- Efficacy Management. Where students’ self-efficacy or beliefs about whether they will be successful on a given task are a powerful predictor of their choice, effort, and persistence for academic as well as nonacademic activities.

Write idea notes from the topic.

For me is very important mentioned and to understand the term self-regulated learning as a general disposition that students bring into the classroom and attend to domain-specific self-regulatory skills that develop through experience within and across situations.
In these articles the connection maybe more important is the motivation and motivational goals; is an important signal of research on human behavior. It can be and should be approached from a scientific perspective, currently research on student motivation seems to be central to research in learning and teaching contexts. The researchers are very interested in basic questions about how and why some students seem to learn and thrive in school contexts and supports about student motivation as well as central questions and directions for future research.
In these articles are very important mentioned like researchers are interested in academic self-regulated learning, because it has begun to study processes that students use to initiate and direct their efforts to acquire knowledge and skill. The main idea is that the motivation is viewed as an important component of self-regulated learning.

The students may use many types of strategies to regulate their motivation for academic tasks. The challenge to complete academic work outside the classroom can be even more difficult. The students will learn to complete tasks that and problems in the classroom. The students’ ability to actively influence their motivation to increase their choice, effort, and persistence at academic tasks is likely to be an important determinant of their self-regulated learning and achievement.

1. Boekaerts, M. and Corno, L. (2005).Self-Regulation in the Classroom: A Perspective on Assessment and Intervention. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 54 (2), pp. 199-231.
2. Pintrich, P. (2003). A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation in Learning and Teaching Contexts. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2003, Vol. 95, No. 4, 667–686. DOI: 10.1037/0022-0663.95.4.667
3. Zimmermann, B. J. (1989). A Social Cognitive View of Self-Regulated Academic Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 329-339
4. Dowson, M. and McInerney, D.M. (2003). What do students say about their motivcational goals?: Towards a more complex and dynamic perspective on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology 28, pp. 91-113.
5. Wolters, C. A. (2003). Regulation of Motivation: Evaluating an Underemphasized Aspect of Self-Regulated Learning. Educational Psychologist, 38 (4), pp. 189-205.

I will start in the week (autumn break) to read the articles, mainly putting more attention in the articles about the concepts and context about self-regulated learning, to understand and deepen what is self-regulated learning?, and I will compare with the lecture that Sanna gave us. This lecture was very clear,interesting and I liked it, I think is very important to do an analysis and comparing the articles with this lecture to obtain my own conclusions and understanding in a good way the basic concepts about this topic. Obviously I will read the other two articles but is most important to understand in the beginning the context and concepts about self-regulated learning and after that to deepen and understanding in the second topic (motivational sources for self-regulated learning). In the case of motivational sources, I am more familiarized with this term, but I need to understand the relationship between motivation and self-regulated learning. The lecture about this topic was interesting and I will read the two articles to compare and analyzing the information between the lecture and the articles.

In summary my goals in this phase are to understand and reading the articles about (what is self regulated learning and the relationship between this concept and motivational sources) and applying this knowledge to realize the activities (define 3 most important concepts from the each article, Describe 2 ideas from each topic and connection level between the ideas and knowledge) and after that I will make the reflection about these topics in my blog.

To obtain my goals, I will use a lot of my time in reading the articles and writing notes more important and main ideas, because some terms are news for me and I will need to deepen a lot, I have other activities and other courses but I will manage my time in the next weeks to obtain the best possible results. I will write the posts (solo phase 1) in my blog between the week 44 and the week 45.